The next BIGGEST eCommerce Company on the net is about to set sail......Are YOU coming aboard ??

Posted by Edgars Skujins
1306 Pageviews

The next BIGGEST eCommerce Company on the net is about to set sail......Are YOU coming aboard ??

OVER $1,000,000.00 has already been paid out

and it's only been in beta testing stage !!

YES!! This is THAT big !!


The first program to be launched is the Shopping Mall


The iGoShopping mall will have over 300,000,000 products and over 5000-6000 retailers.

More and more stores and shops are continuously being added.


YOU earn from being IN GlobalOne


You earn from the Shopping Mall

As well as get


HUGE saving from your everyday shopping !!


And thats just to start...


This Company is about to become a house hold name

And... YOU can be in it from the start!!


This is SO MUCH BIGGER than most realize!!


It is NOT your normal 'get rich quick' program


Do NOT miss this boat!!


Edgars Skujins