Working at home as a part job or full job

Posted by Andres Z. Ivanovic
442 Pageviews
Since financial crises begun in Iceland 2008, face of working market show  different face.  Most of world citizen have less  and they working more.   We all are feeling more pressure and more stress.
It is long ago I said STOP. I haven”t deserve it and because I am just ordinary human, nobody deserve to work for 1% of world population.

To change that times for my own I decide to do my best in networking online.  Yes, I burn me there on various scam websites but later I found it that is what gives me part job and I am not any more under pressure and old life style.
Old friend of mine said that work from home is future, same as mobile shopping is. As well in future at least one family member will do something in affiliate or opportunity, or network marketing in any way.

So we can compare case with our best friends.

Dog-owners walks their dogs everyday and you never hear of people who take themselves out for a walk. If it’s good enough for our pets, it’s good enough for us!