Chamber Art - Making an old thing a living entity!

The reason of my campaign: the development of my small existing workshop which includes the renovation of the space and start of a workshop class for children where they will learn and aquire skills.

Through this we collect old things and make them new entities, we care about environment, and children will get a new perspective about work and life. Also, we will create new wooden things, such as toys and new garden and home small furniture pieces.

Your contribution to this project will be highly appreciated. 

What We Need

We have some tools and a space; we need to:

  • Redesign and renovate the space for our workshop ($1000);
  • Complete our tool list with wood working tools ($600);
  • Buy a small wood lathe ($1300).
  • If I don’t reach the entire goal, the funds will cover one of the above objectives, and we will complete later the other tasks by our own funds or from other sources.

What You Get

I express my gratitude and thanks to all. The pledges I am offering you include objects refurbished and other things and services that you will love, I hope! Also, with your accept, your name/brand/link will be published on the following page: Chamber Art Partners

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