How to improve the earlier and latest Windows PC

Posted by Luqman Sulyman
703 Pageviews
There are many different things everybody can do to a new Windows PC. This list here can help both people that want a PC with the earlier Windows or the latest Windows 8.

If you are an IT consultant, you should have this process 
down pat: getting a new PC out the door and to the client. If you’re inside a company, especially a larger company, you probably have stringent rules that must be applied to all PCs. Somewhere in between, however, lies the many users who can benefit from knowing what types of things to do when a new PC arrives.

Here are simple tasks that will improve that new PC, even before it gets its first day of work.
·      Remove the crapware
·      Immediately install antivirus and anti-malware
·      Set up regular maintenance tasks
·      Disable unnecessary services
·      Turn off Aero in Vista or Windows 7
·      Always check for updates
·      Trim tiles (Windows 8)
·      Turn on administrative tools (Windows 8)
·      Install useful apps
·      Turn on FileHistory (Windows 8)

However, there are, of course, plenty of other ways to improve a new PC, but these simple ways are usually my go-to list of improving a newly unboxed PC. If you have any, you can add it.

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