This is a few of the questions that seem to come up over and over again when explaining to potential founders and co-founders about the cooperative. Hopefully this will answer questions before they are asked as well as give affiliates replies to use when discussing the cooperative with others. 

I am already a successful marketer why should I join the cooperative?

Honestly if you are asking this question there is a chance you may not be a fit for what we are doing. As a cooperative our goal is to work with our members, and get our members to work with each other to help market everyone's business. If you are experienced and not looking to work with others to help them further there business while they help you further your's, it's not really a fit. 

If you are looking to work with others and help others there are a great deal of reasons to join the cooperative including things like lifetime upgrades on various marketing sites (apsense for one), access to the some of the internet's most well known marketers, introductions to all sorts of business associates, free lifetime traffic,  and an outstanding commission plan. 

Can you show me proof that your cooperative works?

This is one hell of a question. Sure I could show you proof, but what kind of proof would I show. As a cooperative the only thing we can promise is to drive leads and traffic to  website. Whether a person turns those leads and traffic into sales is entirely up to them. We have some people having OUTSTANDING success from the cooperative, and other still wondering why its not working for them. 

I can tell you hands down if you ask Darren Olander about the cooperative he is going to tell you undoubtedly we have brought him AT LEAST 30 sales (10 sales each on 3 websites). If you ask Todd Perry or Scot Garder the owners of mysafelistbiz they will tell you UNDOUBTEDLY  one of the best things that happened to them was contacting about the cooperative. If you ask Paula Van Dun I don't know if she has made sales from the cooperative but what she has done is made contacts to set up cross promotions with other exchange owners, as well as has received lifetime hosting from her involvement with the marketers cooperative. I could keep naming others but  think this is more than enough information so that if you are truly curious about what type of results we are able to deliver you can contact them and find out.

Can I join at a lower level and upgrade to founder later?

Sure you can but you still have to pay the full price of the upgrade come that time as well as cancel your existing subscription. We do not have a "walk the latter" type of program. We will under very specific circumstances set up payment plans but this is only done via personal contact and with very good reason.

Where does the traffic come from?

Our traffic comes from a wide range of sources, services, and partners. We are also in the process of building an exclusive content network only accessible to our members. We are currently advertising on over 100 traffic exchanges, 20 safelists, banners running on 10 private networks, 4 shopping networks, articles published on article directories, apsense, and soon to be imfaceplate (working out a partnership as I type this).

We are constantly seeking new partners and new places to advertise. We try to work with experts in virtually all areas of marketing and are expanding month by month. 

Why is it so expensive?

The truth is spending money to market and advertise online no matter how you look at it is going to cost tens of thousands of dollars - and more over the course of your career. We are trying to be realistic while bringing a quality value. If you think the cost is to high, you are not yet ready to get serious, or not yet at a level where you are making enough to get serious about marketing online. My goal is to give you 100 times your return over the course of your membership at the cooperative. 

Actually truth be known after we remodel the website and finish a few more deals for our founders and co-founders that give them free lifetime upgrades on various sites, we are going to be changing the pricing plans around and the cost of a founder is going to be even more. The value is going to be worth it and we can't exactly give this stuff away for free - because we have to pay for it. 

Imagine free lifetime upgrade at apsense, at imfaceplace, at yakamore, at sokule, at bweeble, free lifetime advertising in traffic exchanges, free banner advertising for life, and the list gets bigger all the time. 

This is exactly what the marketers cooperative is about. We are a cooperative. We are here to help new marketers. We are here to help experienced marketers. We are getting marketers to work together and help each other. We are helping marketers build partnerships, we are providing free upgrades, we are giving free advertising all over the internet, you know.... we are.... a cooperative.

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