How can Apsense improve the site? I am a bit p******d off by this question and similar ones! It depends who is asking and who is answering these type of questions.

Who is APSense anyway? Its not Wincer although he is the founder and builder of this great site.
Than who is APSense? Its you, you and you! It are all members of APSense. APSense is a community! It is high time that somebody asks this question:

What can YOU do to improve APSense!

The answer is obvious. Be active, contribute and use the tools and add-ons where they are intended for. Or at least make an effort by trying. There are plenty of support groups on all features and there is the APSense wiki. There are many helpful members that write tutorials, create videos and answer questions about using APSense,

I have been on many networks and I have not found any other yet the offers so much for free and where an upgrade offers so much money for your buck. From a business point of view I think that sometimes Wincer is giving away a bit too much for free.

About Wincer, I have seen very few site social site owners as driven and passionate to help the membership as Wincer. And so open for suggestions.

No matter how good a site is, there is always room for improvement. Since I chat with Wincer often I know he acknowledges that; he is always exploring new things and technologies and talking with other people to get feedback and opinions. Despite his busy schedule he finds the time to be active on APSense as a member.

So instead of criticizing APSense and demanding to explain how you can make money from APSense I suggest you make an effort to do something yourself to improve APSense and at the same time make an effort to use the tools available to you. People who do that, are in my opinion, qualified to post feedback or suggestions for improvement. People that are lazy and want success and cash handed out to them on a golden plate, are not.

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