Spyware and Virus Infections
A lot of people miss out on the free advertising they could
get from traffic exchanges, because they are afraid of the
spyware and virus threats from visiting that many strange
website. I don't blame them, but I took a much different
I bought an older Dell dual core laptop with 2Gb of ram on
Ebay for $21.50. It was listed as Parts Only, because it
didn't come with a hard drive, CD/DVD drive or A/C adapter.
It had lots of photos showing it was in good condition and
showed that it would boot up to the BIOS screen, so I took
a chance and bought it at the last minute.
When it arrived, I used a $5 USB memory stick to burn
Browser Linux on it and fire it up with no problems.Since I
no longer need to support anti-spyware or anti-virus
software running in the background, it runs as fast or
faster than my newer Windows computer does!
Next I picked out half a dozen of my favorite hot traffic
exchanges and loaded them into my Firefox tabbed browser.
Then while I was watching TV last night, I clicked one
after the other and ended up the night with 2,000 free
advertising credits I could use to get referrals for my
various money making projects online.
I should add, it did cost me another $21.50 for shipping and
$12 for an A/C adapter, which brought my total expense up
to $60. I live in a rural area, so it would have cost me
that much to go into the city and pick one up instead of
having it delivered to my door. The bottom line is, if that
saves me one time from having to reinstall Windows and all
my programs, it is more than worth it!!!
If anything would ever happen to my Linux and Firefox, I
can burn a new USB stick in about 10 minutes and be back in
business. Since that's all I use it for, there are no other
programs or data I can lose, except maybe a few bookmarks.
Since I use LastPass to store all my logons, that's just a
matter of bringing up each traffic exchange automatically
and bookmarking it again.
I put each one in a group with 5 or 6 others, then add them
to my Bookmarks toolbar in Firefox. When I get ready to
surf that group, I just click on Open in Tabs and BAM, I am
ready to go with all my logons completed. Then pressing
Control and Tab switches me to a new exchange to click. By
the time I do them all, the first one is ready to click
If this article saves one more person from facing the
frustration I did after spyware made my Windows useless, I
will feel much better.
get from traffic exchanges, because they are afraid of the
spyware and virus threats from visiting that many strange
website. I don't blame them, but I took a much different
I bought an older Dell dual core laptop with 2Gb of ram on
Ebay for $21.50. It was listed as Parts Only, because it
didn't come with a hard drive, CD/DVD drive or A/C adapter.
It had lots of photos showing it was in good condition and
showed that it would boot up to the BIOS screen, so I took
a chance and bought it at the last minute.
When it arrived, I used a $5 USB memory stick to burn
Browser Linux on it and fire it up with no problems.Since I
no longer need to support anti-spyware or anti-virus
software running in the background, it runs as fast or
faster than my newer Windows computer does!
Next I picked out half a dozen of my favorite hot traffic
exchanges and loaded them into my Firefox tabbed browser.
Then while I was watching TV last night, I clicked one
after the other and ended up the night with 2,000 free
advertising credits I could use to get referrals for my
various money making projects online.
I should add, it did cost me another $21.50 for shipping and
$12 for an A/C adapter, which brought my total expense up
to $60. I live in a rural area, so it would have cost me
that much to go into the city and pick one up instead of
having it delivered to my door. The bottom line is, if that
saves me one time from having to reinstall Windows and all
my programs, it is more than worth it!!!
If anything would ever happen to my Linux and Firefox, I
can burn a new USB stick in about 10 minutes and be back in
business. Since that's all I use it for, there are no other
programs or data I can lose, except maybe a few bookmarks.
Since I use LastPass to store all my logons, that's just a
matter of bringing up each traffic exchange automatically
and bookmarking it again.
I put each one in a group with 5 or 6 others, then add them
to my Bookmarks toolbar in Firefox. When I get ready to
surf that group, I just click on Open in Tabs and BAM, I am
ready to go with all my logons completed. Then pressing
Control and Tab switches me to a new exchange to click. By
the time I do them all, the first one is ready to click
If this article saves one more person from facing the
frustration I did after spyware made my Windows useless, I
will feel much better.
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