Internet Lifestyle Starter Kit

Posted by Koushik Mahadevan
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Dear  Online Marketer,

If you’ve ever wanted to find a tried and tested way to make money online without wasting your time or money, then this is the most important thing you will ever read.

Because we want to show you the shortest path possible between your first day in online marketing, and your first paycheck.

  • Maybe you’re setting up a completely new business online
  • Maybe you want to put your current business online

Either way, we will show you the easy way to do this, avoiding all the ‘snake oil salesmen’ out there on the Internet, promising you big returns online when really they just want to take your money and run.

After all you want the right advice, don’t you? Trustworthy guidance that’ll set you up for all these amazing benefits of running a business online:

  • more free time
  • reliable recurring income
  • easy marketing and
  • low costs.

We are, from left to right, Fiona, Susan, Chris and Greg – four people who understand how you might be feeling about the confusing world of Online Marketing.

Because 2 years ago we felt EXACTLY THE SAME!

At the time we all had traditional day jobs – Chris and Susan ran a management consultancy, Greg was a project manager and Fiona was a financial controller for a bank.

We met by chance at an online marketing seminar.

And as we chatted we realized  we all wanted to ditch the 9 to 5, head to the airport, jet off to exciting and beautiful countries… and run our online businesses from just a laptop and an internet connection.

Yet Online Marketing Makes You

We’d hit problems with online marketing (probably the same problems you might be struggling with yourself).

How many of these do YOU identify with?

You can’t move for spam – your inbox is threatening to implode with the non-stop torrent of junk. (On our worst day we got flooded with 254 spammy emails in 24 hours!)

You’re losing time – sifting junk certainly takes a big chunk of your day!

You don’t know what works – everyone’s shouting about push-button solutions that make you rich, when we ALL know that can’t really be true!

You’re a commodity – a name and email, a digital identity sold on to goodness knows where.

You don’t know who to trust – people will say ANYTHING just to get the sale.

It’s not a pretty picture, really!

A torrent of distracting information like that hurts your wallet, your watch and your wellbeing.

And we were really suffering.

But one day . . . all that changed!

One day, we were lucky enough to meet a very generous man who took us ‘under his wing’ and guided us through the mire of information in online marketing.

It was like being pulled out of quick sand – the relief was instant plus we started making progress straight away.

You see, that man was already successfully making money online, so he was able to show us what he was doing.

We quickly realized that . . .

You Will Save Time & Money
With Good Mentors On Your Side

So to achieve our goal, we worked every hour we could on improving our skills with the best mentors we could find.

All this education, with our combined business experience, meant…

We Did It! We Quit Our Jobs in 2010
and Now Earn Our Full Time Living Online

We feel very privileged to have the freedom to travel the world, running our businesses from whatever country we are in.

  • Greg and Fiona are published authors – personal development guru Brian Tracy wrote a testimonial for their book.
  • Chris and Susan have a Web TV show interviewing the biggest IM names around, from Chris Farrell to Armand Morin.
  • We all have many private clients who pay us thousands of pounds to consult with us.
  • We coach at events all over the world from the UK and Europe to South East Asia.
Yet, there’s a BIG PROBLEM

Learning how to make money online is a bit like doing a massive jigsaw puzzle.

There are lots of individual pieces. You’ve got to learn about the process (choose your niche, create a website, get traffic, convert the sale). Plus all the tools, (like video marketing, email marketing, social media and auto responders, etc).

But if you learn them in isolation, you don’t really learn how to fit them together in one seamless business.

It’s like someone tips a big puzzle out on the floor, hides the box and tells you to have a go without knowing what the picture is.

You may get there in the end. But think of all the time and effort you’ve wasted!

What do you want – the bad news, or the good news?

Right now, that puzzle box might be very helpful to you. So you could see how others have successfully made money online with a business, and follow the model.

And the bad news was…

We’ve looked. And we haven’t yet found a system that, as business consultants, we think works.

Business consultants are kind of obsessive about writing down processes. So as we went on our journey, we recorded what we did along the way.

And here’s the GOOD NEWS!

So now we have a comprehensive, easy-to-understand system, recorded on paper and video, which shows the blueprint for others to follow.

And now we’d like to share it with you.

So you can do what we did.

Only quicker. And at a fraction of the cost.

the Internet Lifestyle Starter Kit

Like the best plans, our formula is really simple…

We’ve taken everything we’ve learned from the best in the business. And given it to you, in easy-to-digest bite-sized chunks.

Plus we’ve included some juicy extras – techniques not usually taught to online marketers that we know will be Oh So Useful as you start your business…

We looked on our training as an investment, and we’ve spent $103,454 on our education since we began working with the absolute best people around, eg:

  • The kings of high ranking videos – A remarkable video company that unlocks the reasons why No 1 videos on YouTube get to the top spot. And teaches you how to do the same.
  • The team that coaches 6 figure entrepreneurs how to build a world-beating profile and marketing presence
  • The leading expert on the psychology of success and public speaking – he’s a 20k a day consultant, and we are proud to be part of his mastermind group.

So you can see that the info in the Internet Lifestyle Starter Kit has come from the top people around.

Here’s just a sample of what’s inside:

  • The Quick Start Website Guide – in just a few hours you’ll have a site designed exactly how Google likes it
  • Our Power List of website widgets – each of these packs a mighty publicity punch
  • The No-Stress Guide to linking your site to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube
  • The ‘secret weapon’ that keeps you and your customers friendly. Hardly any businesses use this. So you’ll have a BIG ADVANTAGE here
  • Insider techniques to get a steady stream of people to your site
  • The ABCs of perfect content. Never be stuck for what to say. Here are the quick tips on generating killer content whenever you need it
  • Our ‘Bookmarked’ list of trusted suppliers – tells you where we get our photos, quick videos for clients, industry news, ideas for blog entries. It’s taken us years to build this list – treat it with care!
  • The Entrepreneur’s Toolkit – everything you need to help discover your USP, set up your business at home and to rocket your productivity.
6 Essentials You’ll Learn

1. How to get traffic to an offer page – no traffic, no business. You need people to come to your website or it’s all over. We show you how through ads, videos, articles and blogs

2. How to convert traffic into sales – you’ve got traffic, now you need it to stop and buy. We show you top tricks of the trade to turn window shoppers into fans and customers

3. How to build a list from scratch – see our 5 step guide to building a targeted list of people who know, like and trust you. The sort who will be glad to get their credit cards out for the right product

4. How to get sales without a list – quick wins in online marketing – connecting people and products fast for results and commissions. You definitely need the right advice here to avoid most of the money-sink myths

5. How to do the technical stuff – all along the journey, a bad technical decision can halt your website, your traffic or your business. Much easier to learn it right, step by step, from the beginning

6. How to find the time – half of successful online marketing is about mindset. Focus. Drive. Determination. Prioritising. If you need help here, you’ll love our 10 Steps To Success – the combination of a lifetime’s business knowledge about what gets you to your goals plus the best of time-saving and efficient tools available on the net right now – many of them free

How It Works

The Internet Lifestyle Starter Kit gives you videos, tools and backup documents to help you create your own online business.

In its 7 Core Sections, you’ll cover every element of the technical, creative and business thinking you need to set up online.

You just log on, watch what you need, download the tools that will help, and get on with building your business.

If you did one Section a week, you’d have your business up and running in under 2 months.

(It took us 12 months and $51,505 to achieve the same, because we didn’t have a programme like this to follow. We did it the hard way!)

Check out the demo videos