Today is Last Day to take Advantage of BlockBuzz Pre-Launch!

Posted by Johnny McKellar
459 Pageviews

Your Timing Couldn’t be More Perfect, to take Advantage of the BlockBuzz Pre-Launch and New FOUNDER Club….!!!


We are doing something here that is unlike anything the industry has ever seen before. Our compensation structure is unique because it’s based on "Ad Blocks" sold and not Members.


All members will have until November 12th 11:59pm Pacific Time to purchase an Ad Block and receive a position BEFORE all the secondary Ad Blocks... THIS IS HUGE!!!



          Here are the REAL TIME numbers (11/11/12)...


Total Pre-Enrolles                              = 48240

Total Members (paid + unpaid*)        = 15214

Total Paid Members                           = 8719

Total Ad Blocks Paid For                   = 34512

Total Ad Blocks Reserved                  = 60700


This means when you join right now during our Pre-Launch you will be member 8719 + YOU!!


And after your position has been locked in there are now 25793** additional Ad Block positions that have been purchased and verified. All of these Ad Blocks will be placed AFTER you in BOTH of our compensation structures.


Don't Wait... Waiting could cost you A LOT in future earnings... It's very important to lock in your spot and get your team lined up!


Nothing like this has ever been done before... We are launching LIVE in 26 languages and this is only the very very beginning.


Please refer to our Pay-Plan for more details about our compensation structure and what this means


*Unpaid Member count refers to the total members who have created an invoice to be paid but have not yet been marked in our system because their payment is in transit or waiting to be verified.


**This is the total number of current paid members today, minus the total amount of paid Ad Blocks (secondary Ad Blocks) to be placed on Nov 12th.



Hopefully you now understand why it is so URGENT for me to get your Ad Block placed TODAY?


              Remember Time is of the Essence to take 

                 Advantage of this Great Opportunity!


  For More Details: Click Here


Many Blessings and Much Success,



Johnny McKellar

E-mail: & Google+


