New Online Marketers normally start out with this sparkly bling in their minds, I know, I was there too. But through the years I've learned quite a few essential things about doing Online Marketing the RIGHT way.

Here follow some tips that will be beneficial to anyone starting out with Online Marketing, even the old-timers might learn something from these tips.

The problem with Online Marketing today, is the sheer overload of opportunities that offer quick fix money (most of them DON'T WORK). New marketers tend to jump from opportunity to opportunity without taking the time to learn all there is to learn about the opportunity. They just see the sales-page promising riches and out come the credit card. When they actually start doing what the opportunity tells them to do, they either decide it's too complicated or they shit it out of their minds and start searching for the next better quick fix to spend their money on.

2. Stop program hopping.

You will NEVER learn anything if you keep on program hopping. Decide on one opportunity and learn ALL you can about it.

3. Find some experienced Online Marketers to learn from.
I don't advocate following them blindly, just learning from them.
•    Look at what they do.
•    Learn how they do it.
•    Note the strategies they use.

4. Develop your OWN strategy.
Put all the knowledge you gained by learning from the more experienced marketers to good use by developing your own strategy.

This should actually read "never give up on you". You are the most important person for YOU.
•    You need to remember WHY you started with Online Marketing in the first place.
•    You need to set some goals for yourself.
•    You need to be persistent at what you do.
•    You need to expand your knowledge.

Online Marketing have evolved into a fine science. The days of quickly slapping a medicre website on the web, monetizing it with adsense ads and make tons of money using PPC are gone forever. It's essential to learn the finer points of Online Marketing if you want to stand a chance of making a living off the Internet.
Recently, I have found a website filled with excellent in-depth tutorials that teach all the essential how to's of Online Marketing from start to finish. They have more than thirty hours of online video tutorials as well as downloadable E-books to make the learning experience that much more enjoyable and easier.

Do yourself the favour and check out the site. It's Greater Profits Group PAT.

I've found that following these tutorials with a notebook and pen at my side, even I was able to learn a lot of new strategies that, when I make them my own, will greatly enhance my own marketing efforts.

To recap my tips for new marketers, remember.
•    Stop spending money
•    Stop program hopping
•    LEARN, LEARN, LEARN by watching what others do
•    Develop your OWN strategy from what you have learned.
•    NEVER give up.

Now the MOST IMPORTANT one of all.

BE an ETHICAL marketer.

Do not fall in the trap that so many people do, by using unethical means of doing your business in the Internet. It will only hurt you in the long run and brand you as a person to be avoided.

BE an ETHICAL marketer.

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