Words can make you quit

Posted by Samantha Delaney
1521 Pageviews

What we say can slow us down and even make us quit.

How often do we say:I can’t” and then 1 hr, one day or one month later we've done it?

Why say what is not true?
It just slows you down because you respond to your words.


Things like:
”This business is not working”
“I can’t go on like this”
"I don’t know what I’m going to do”
“This looks impossible


"The people who change the world are people who have taken impossible out of their dictionaries." – Myles Munroe


Do you want to change your income, your marriage, your level of happiness? Then take that word out of your vocabulary. Everything is possible!!


It may mean hard work and effort but it’s NOT TOO difficult.


Don’t let your words slow you down or make you quit!
