The 7 BIGGEST Mistakes of Horrible Social Network Marketers

Posted by Philippe Moisan
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Every popular social network is essential for marketing.

The article you’re about to read was inspired by the blog post “7 Habits of Highly Horrible Networkers”  by Scott Ginsberg. I felt I needed to write a version that applied to network marketers that are active on any social network.

When you ask people doing online marketing, “What is the most important thing to do to build your business?”, most of them answer, “Building relationships.” I believe it’s just like asking to anyone, “Are you a good driver?” Everyone responds “Yes, and it frustrates me that most people are bad drivers.”

My point is, most people are nice enough drivers and marketers, but there are some who are, well, not so nice, to put it mildly.

 Mistake #1: Common sense isn’t common

Too many online marketers want to make money NOW! They fall for the hype of sales pages saying things like:

  • No sponsoring required
  • Spillover will fill your downline
  • No effort, we do everything for you
  • Join for free, and make money with referrals ( duh! )
  • Spend little money and earn a big percentage EVERY DAY!

When such programs collapse, instead of learning their lesson, they jump into the next one, sometimes launched by the owner of the one who just collapsed!!!

These marketers utterly refuse to see logic. Don’t even try to discuss with them, they’ll say you are SO negative.

Mistake #2: Everything is free

The horrible social network marketers they can make a fortune while getting everything for free: training, leads, support, websites, etc…

Granted, some things can be done for free, for instance, you can have a free blog with WordPress or Blogger. You can download tons of eBooks, you can watch videos on YouTube for just about every aspect of your business. However, this takes time, and it brings me to:

Mistake #3: In a hurry

The horrible social network marketers are not interested in getting to know you. They will send you a friend or contact request, or you send them one and they accept it, and three seconds after the request is accepted, they send you a message with one or more links to a program, they will write a few words with it, saying things like “it’s the best money making opportunity EVER!”

Another example of how they are such in a hurry, they will ask for a recommendation from you, and you don’t even know them yet!

The saddest part is that, so many people do these things, new marketers just starting believe it’s the normal way of building their business. Well, in many countries, sending an unsolicited link is considered spam, thus it is illegal.

Mistake #4: Laziness

You can read the complete article by clicking here.