I know it sounds crazy...but I am cancelling my mobile phone service!
I know it sounds crazy....lol
Buuutttt, I hate paying my mobile bill...I sign up for a $69.95
a month program and it ends up being $138???
Hmmm, $800 a year more than I have budgeted for a mobile phone.
Well, I am saying GOOD BYE to my carrier and their contracts.
A new company that has recently launched provides Unlimited Nationwide Calling
4G Talk, Text and Data for $49 per month.
Now I am saving almost $1,000 a
Might be a dumb question but, do you want an extra $1,000 a year?
Oh, and get this...they pay me for referring them other customers every month - Not a one-time fee but every month they pay their bill.
So... now I am getting my service for FREE. HELLOOO!!!!
This is an extra $1500 a year in savings to me.
But...it gets even better. They give me a Bank of America Debit card for my referral fees so I can spend them on things a really need like groceries and gas.
How about discounts at over 50 major companies! That's right, I can save money by using my Debit card for shopping so this company is putting even MORE money back in my pocket.
So this is the way I see it - I save $1500 a year I have no contract, I save money at over 50 different companies and I have the ability to make an extra $1,000 a month just by referring a total of 60 other customer.
That is what I am talking about!
Want to learn more about this exciting company?
1. Listen to this 5 minute 'mini-presentation' 1-877-356-8090
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4. If you are interest in promoting and making part-time money listen in on our
nightly business opportunity call:
Time: 8pm est
Number 218-632-0550
Access: 951268#
Livecast: www.7hourwealthtv.com
If you are looking for the perfect portable business, I am looking for some leaders who want to work with me to spread the word about this awesome opportunity.
Be sure to watch the company vision presentation before contacting me!
All the best,
Courtney Lawrence
Skype: coulaurence
Ready to join my Social Network.CLICK HERE
Here's the link >> http://www.coulcell.com
You'll find it easy to understand, risk free and that we've done the bulk of the work for you so you can keep your life simple.
Here's the details:
Time: 8pm est, 7pm ct., 6pm mt., 5pm pst.
Dial: 1-218-632-0550
Access: 951268#
Screen Share : www.freedom123.info
7HourWealthTV Live Stream: www.7hourwealthtv.com
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