Empower Network

Posted by Shavonne Nicole
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I  must admit that I have become a social network junkie. I am on Facebook several times a day scrolling through the news feed. I don't usually post anything but a few pictures of my family or share a few inspirational words to help motivate my friends.

So why do I sign on Facebook so often?

I sign on Facebook several times a day because I want to learn.  It may sound strange,but I have learned quite a bit from social networking. I have 300+ friends on my Facebook account and I would say that more then half of them are involved in network marketing or some sort of business opportunity. I learn about upcoming seminars,webinars, conference calls and much more. I also found that just listening to some of these conference calls you can also learn a lot. Even if your not interested in the opportunity you can learn many tips from some of the experts.

Here's my story.......

A little over six months ago My husband and I decided that I would cut my work hours in order to stay home with our son. I worked full-time for many years and the cut in my salary absolutely terrified me. I enjoy to travel,shop and go out to restaurants several times a week,so a cut in my salary meant that I would have to cut back on some of these things. I wasn't happy about this at all.

Freebies & wanting more.......

I was introduced to freebie trading a few years back and I was able to make a few dollars through the forums and with ZNZ. That money was great for some quick pocket change but it wasn't much. I decided that I wanted to start my own business but I had no idea what I  wanted to sell or what services I wanted to offer. Well one day scrolling through the Facebook feeds I got the idea to start my jewelry business. In the beginning my business was doing fantastic,until it hit a brick wall after about four months. It was extremely expensive to maintain the inventory and it was even more expensive to market and promote. The profits were also small and it just wasn't what I expected it to be. I recently decided that it would be in my best interest to move on the something more lucrative.

In comes Ebay.....

I started selling on Ebay and things were great until eBay accused me of being linked to another account that was suspended. I did all I could do to save my account but after several attempts I decided that Ebay was not the way to go,so I let that go. Back to Facebook I go looking for my next idea when I happen to run across pictures of and post about this Empower Network event that was going on in California. I heard about the Empower Network but I had no clue what it was.

Then I saw this........

Like I said I was scrolling through the feeds and then I see a few of my Facebook friends holding these gigantic checks. You know the kind of checks you see during charity events or from those publishing clearing house commercials. Yes! that big. Not only were the checks big; the amounts of the checks were pretty large as well. My jaw dropped and my heart started racing. I didn't know what to think at this point. My first thought was SCAM! But how could so many people that I am friends with on Facebook be in on the same scam?

When in doubt...

When in doubt the first place I go is Youtube. I did a Youtube search and found many Youtube videos on the Empower Network and the many benefits of its blogging system.I even found videos from the same people I saw holding those huge checks. So many people have been posting on it and I have just been over looking it. From there I went to goggle because I wanted to read more reviews and I ran across Dave Wood's video. I must say it was long,but it was very interesting.

Why I Joined Empower Network......

I thought this was a brilliant idea as I just recently started blogging,but I never knew that a blogging system such as this existed. I love to write and this gives me the opportunity to do two things I enjoy doing. Writing and making money!!! What more can I say Dave & Dave are brilliant. Now all I do is sit back,blog and wait for those messages from Dave & Dave letting me know I have money awaiting in my account.

I enjoy the freedom knowing that I can work from home on a part-time basis and still have time to spend with my family. I have the freedom to travel, attend functions at my child's school and spend time with my spouse. Best of all I never have worry about being laid off or fired. With the Empower Network I am my own boss and I simply love it.

