How Not to Make Money

Posted by Susan Shuman
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So, you want to be an Egyptologist and muck about the sand and ruins, eh?
First, let us define what exactly it is that an Egyptologist does. Egyptology concerns itself the variety ancient Egyptian culture comprised of people, literature, language art, history and religion. In other words, Egyptology is a focused science that assesses ancient Egypt through its archaeological artifacts and discoveries and artwork. Strong research skills are a requirement for this career.
From an historical perspective, it continues to implement the linear structure provided by Manetho, who was an Egyptian priest during the time of Ptolemy I and II, who penned a history of Egypt. It would follow then that other professionals occasionally partake in Egyptology. A prime example is the technicians that are performing CAT scans on mummies as I type. One must wonder what these technicians expect to find.

What Do I Have to Do?

Well, this exciting career choice requires that you obtain a Ph.D. in Egyptology, which will consume at least eight years of your life. Begin with a Liberal Arts program and you will be advised from there. Most universities will afford you the option of specializing in Egyptian language (Arabic) or the archaeology and art of ancient Egypt.
Further, languages are an essential component in the Egyptologist’s memory bank; French and German being in the forefront. Obviously Arabic is most useful, and you might as well sign up for Greek, while you are at it.

Show Me the Money

Unfortunately, work in this field is hard to come by. With no expanding job market, a recent graduate with an Egyptology Degree typically waits for someone to either retire or die in order to apply for a position. Even then, the competition is fierce. In reality, those few fortunate souls that do find work in the field end up as teachers or researchers. Even the very best Egyptologists have trouble scraping the rent money together.

Bottom line: If you are thinking about a career change, forget about Egyptology and get an MBA.