Motion your Vison, Take Action Now !

Posted by Stephen A. B.
876 Pageviews
Nothing moves until you consciously move it. Motion your vision. Don’t sleep when you ought to think and plan. Wake up!

Time becomes your good friend when you begin to maximize and manage it well.

Set your goals, table your vision and purse it now. Delay might be dangerous.

Your opportunity for greatness is hidden in the midst of your responsibilities of today. Never allow wishes to bury your abilities. Take action!

A twenty storey building-plan must begin with a solid visible foundation. Start something today.

When you know and you do not apply it, your success will be relatively difficult. If you can back up that idea with a concrete and immediate follow up, it would unleash its greatness.

It takes great sense of value to make the most of every opportunity that come your way.

Action time is equivalent to time of flight.
Begin the trading of your talent and the release of your potential today.

Never say later. Talents are treasures.