Some promotional stuff for you:

 For now, while they are still available, I would focus on the founder’s memberships.  While they are still available, purchase a founder's position for a one-time fee of just $23, and share in the companies’ profits through the founder's bonus pool for life.  All founders will share in the companies’ profits and get paid every 3 days for life.


 Or also, a lot of people are familiar with ZeekRewards and Bidify, so you can say something like "This will be bigger than ZeekRewards and Bidify!  Get a limited founders position for just $23 while they are still available.


 yes, you will not need to post a daily ad, but you will need to give away bids to customers like in Zeek, or you can use your tokens in the marketing machine and they will give your bids away to customers for you - but as a founder, you will get paid every 3 days for life even if you do nothing


The business model is very similar to ZeekRewards and Bidify if you are familiar with those businesses.  I have a PDF file with some information as well as a recorded webinar.

 The possibility is endless : Let's say you have a team of 1,000 people who are earning on average $100/month.  You could receive 25% matching bonuses, so you would be earning over $25,000/month just from referral commissions in that scenario


 well even if you had a team of 100 people, if they are each earning $1,000/month, you would stil be earning over $25,000/month in referral commissions

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