What’s the Purpose of Your Article? (Part 1) - Establishing Yourself as an Expert

Posted by Yogesh S.
799 Pageviews
As you discovered in the last lesson, your first content-marketing step (before you even write one word) is to decide on the purpose of your article. Generally, your article will probably serve one of these five purposes:

1. Establish you as an expert (branding).
2. Build your list.
3. Sell products directly (either as a vendor or an affiliate).
4. Building backlinks (for search engine optimization purposes as well as direct click-through traffic).
5. Drawing in traffic from the search engines.

You’ll notice that some of these purposes are complimentary, meaning you can certainly have multiple goals. For example, you can create content that both sells a product as well as draws traffic in from the search engines. However, for best results you need to decide up front which of the above is your PRIMARY purpose. Then you can decide which other goals you’d like to achieve as a secondary purpose.

Let’s start by talking about establishing yourself as an expert. Over the next several lessons we’ll cover the other main ways you can use content marketing to benefit you and your business. Read on…

Establishing Yourself as an Expert:

Think about this for a moment…

Let’s say you’re learning all you can on a particular topic. It could be anything, from classic car restoration to dog training to crafting to a medical problem. So you head to Google and start searching for different phrases related to this topic. For example:

Reupholster classic car.
How to paint a classic car dashboard.
How to convert 6v to 12v electrical system.
How to restore classic car.

And then you notice something. Seems like whatever phrase you’re typing into Google, you keep running into the same author. You find his articles on blogs. You find his articles on Facebook. Your search turns up articles on well-known authority sites. You even find his articles in article directories.

Thing is, these articles are good. They’re packed full of solid information and good tips. The more you read, the more you trust the author. Pretty soon, you’re specifically searching for this author so that you can read everything he’s written. And now you view the author as an expert.

Perhaps you really have had this type of experience. I certainly have. And so have countless others. When you see a name popping up repeatedly in a niche, you start viewing that person as an expert.

Your prospects are the same way. If they see your name enough times, they’ll start trusting you. This is particularly true if you’re creating quality articles and posting them in reputable places, like on authority sites and blogs belonging to other experts.

Point is, if you want to quickly and easily establish yourself as an expert in the niche, you need to start blanketing the niche with high-quality content. While you can certainly use this content for other purposes – such as building your list, selling products or getting traffic from the search engines – you want to be sure that the quality remains high.

Let’s take the SEO (search engine optimized) content as an example. Sometimes people get so focused on optimizing the content that the article starts getting a little clunky. It’s hard to read. And so while it may certainly draw in traffic from the search engine, it won’t impress this traffic unless the article solves a problem, educates or entertains the reader.

Later on in this course you’ll discover how, exactly, to write articles that establish you as an expert. For next time, however, you’ll learn how to use articles that build your list, so stay tuned!

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