Instant Online Success

Posted by Darshika Prakash
1891 Pageviews
Interested in becoming an affiliate? Our proven system as been running for 
over 5 years now and is the leading edge in Home Based Businesses. We are 
currently accepting affiliates for our site. Becoming an affiliate for Instant 
Online Success puts you in connection with the leading home-based business 
opportunity on the Internet. We give our affiliates all of the tools to become 
successful including marketing tools, advertising campaigns and more.

 What can you expect when you become an Instant Online Success affiliate? 
You can be assured that you will be representing the #1 Home Based Business on the Internet. Our affiliates are among the top 10% of paid affiliates on the Internet. 
You will earn 70% of all gross revenue from your affiliate ID. That is far above 
average for affiliate commissions on the net. You will earn $20.99 for every order 
placed using your affiliate ID. You will be given an affiliate ID that you will 
use in advertising and marketing our program.

 Our program is available free of charge and everyone qualifies. You will 
earn 70% of all gross revenue earned by your affiliate ID. What this means to you 
is that you will earn $20.99 for every order placed using your affiliate ID. Don’t 
worry about having to keep track of your sales, the affiliate tracking system will 
keep track of everything for you, allowing you to promote your affiliate link and 
sit back, relax and enjoy your earnings. It’s that simple.

Complete Instant Online Success web site.

Free hosting for the Instant Online Success web site.

State of the art affiliate tracking system.

$20.99 to you for every order placed.

Paid directly to you by paycheck twice each month.
Access to our Affiliate Center which will give you complete advertising campaigns 
for all the pay per click search sites, complete overview of how pay per click 
search engine advertising works and information on what to do, and what not to do. 
We will show you how to maximize your profits without killing your budget. We have 
researched all the advertising options available to you on the Internet and give 
you complete access to what works and what doesn’t, so you don’t have to waste 
time and money trying programs that wont work.
        Our program pays you a near industry high of 70%. That means for each 
order you receive, you will earn $20.99 That is far above industry average and 
adds up quickly. Our average affiliates earn over $850.00 each and every week by 
simply using our advertising campaigns and preferred partnerships we have 
established with various advertising sources.

Lets look at this closely below using our average affiliate member’s numbers:
Average affiliate member daily sales:4 Sales per day = $83.96 per day

6 Sales per day = $125.94 per day

10 affiliate sales per day = $209.9 per day

Average Daily Earnings - $104.95 Per Day / $734.65 Per Week / Over $3000 Per 

That is how we are in the top 10% for affiliate earnings. We offer a program that 
is designed to give you complete control of your financial future.

Click here to Download the success book and get success in your life.