Surf 1000 and Get a Premium Membership

Posted by Aaron M.
567 Pageviews
As a Free member in traffic exchanges getting a premium account is what i always wanted, like APSense I am able to get a premium membership in this Top Traffic exchange by doing FREE things. Mainly just by using their services and surfing on it everyday.

This traffic exchange will pay you $0.30 for every 1000 sites you surfed and $0.10 for every active referrals that surfed 100 sites (one time only).

Just by using their services such as rotator and splash page builder,  I am able to get referrals not only in what I promote but also to this traffic exchange as well. Giving me more referrals and making me more money.

The most interesting about this traffic exchange is that you'll be able to upgrade as a premium member just by surfing 1000 websites.

This is how it works

Again surf 1000 websites you'll be paid $0.30 by then and you can use this to upgrade your account as premium for 1 day or wait until you accumulate $3 to cash it out.

In my experience i cannot surf more than 200 websites everyday.

If you upgrade to premium you can now surf unlimited websites that's more extra earning and credits for you.

Now I upgraded my membership to premium using my earned cash from surfing and referrals and now surfing unlimited websites plus other premium benefits.

Register HERE if you're interested.