1. First new category of health science in the last 20 years.

2. Single greatest breakthrough of the century (comparable to the discovery of DNA)

3. Increases our bodies own production of anti-oxidants, specifically glutathione by


4. An abundance of redox molecules that bathes our chronically stressed cells and

returns them to a balanced state.

5. Our bodies innate intelligence takes over and we move down a pathway to

healing. The fountain of YOU.

6. More than 30 patents on this technology which is bio-identical to the fluid in our


7. These molecules restore intelligence to our cellular network and the body begins

it’s own repair and rejuvenation.

8. Totally different from all the juices, Acai, Goji berries, Indian Gooseberries,

mushrooms and various mixes of anti-oxidants and glutathione accelerators on the market

today. This product catapults our cellular efficiency at a core, molecular level. There is not a

cellular pathway in our body that does not involve Redox molecules. They are everywhere.

9. As we age we lose 9-10% of the production of these molecules every decade.

10.  Providing our body with a youthful buffet of these Redox molecules that our

body once made in abundance when we were kids allows us to begin to age in balance.

11. We have not seen anyone who has committed to use this product for 90 days who

hasn’t experienced a shift in their health and well-being. That includes quality of sleep,

improved mental clarity, improved mood, relief from aches and pains, improved digestion,

improved athletic performance.

12. We have medical doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists and various

health practitioners that realize that this technology improves metabolic health, immunologic

health, the quality of our sleep and introduces a level of cellular integrity and function that

we’ve never seen before. A deep level, so fundamental that these are the pylons underneath

the skyscraper of our body. 

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