Best Business Cards Produce Referrals and Residual Income

Posted by Roger+Pamela Foulks
600 Pageviews

Hand out a personal business card, even as an extra, which people will not throw away, maybe for a lifetime.  Why?  Every time they use your business card at the pharmacy, it saves their entire family up to 75% or more on all their prescription purchases, and it can be used at more than 60,000 pharmacies U.S.A. nationwide including most major chains.

Your contacts might keep your business card in their wallets or purses for a lifetime, because it is the only business card any ever gave them that could save them thousands of dollars, no matter where in the U.S.A. they go, travel, move and shop.  You would not throw that away would you?

In addition, every time they use your card, you earn $1.00 for every prescription purchased.  You also can earn referral income from others you recommend these business cards to.  There are no annual fees, no monthly autoship fees.  Your only cost is printing your personal money-making, referral-generating business cards.

It is a wonderful way to generate not only additional business from referrals, but additional residual income as well.  This is simple – at this website: become an Agent at no cost.

If you have additional questions, please contact Roger Foulks at 941-320-0818