Posted by Laverne Arsenault
692 Pageviews

Click Through Email Ads And Win A Downline Member Additional Prizes!

Hello Fellow Marketer,
 If you are like most people online, you may find it hard to recruit people into programs because you either lack the ability to reach enough people, or you are on a limited budget and can't spend a lot of money to make things happen. Well, you are in luck because Jaye Pause and Brad Webb have just launched a BRAND NEW feature on State-Of-The-Art-Mailer that will allow you to win a downline member simply by just clicking through email ads! Yes, you heard that right and you can even win even more additional month end prizes just by participating! Their new Downline Builder Surfing Bonus system allows you to win a downline member, cash, spendable credits and even Time-Bonus Ad Time! They've even got a Jackpot drawing for all of the daily winners at the end of the month too! One important fact to know is that when you win a downline member, you are being entered into a winners calendar page and your hyperlinked viral ads are actively receiving additional traffic automatically! AND... If you are an upgraded member, all of your hyperlinked viral ads rotate randomly when a member clicks on a claim link in the system! They've also added a social media element to this to give members even more exposure for their advertising! Now, when it comes to receiving a downline member, you have the ability of winning a free or paid member through the DBSB system itself! So, if you have trouble recruiting and building your downline in SOTAM, just participate in their new Downline Builder Surfing Bonus System and you can win! Yes, YOU have the chance to win a prize at month end as long as you click on at least 50% of the email ads and 50% of the claim links that you receive throughout each month! This system will overall increase click through rates, explode hyperlinked viral ad views and give you incredible social media exposure just by participating in their new system!