My Favorite Social Media Sites

Posted by Paul Hines
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The great thing about social networking is that it is changing how people communicate with friends, family, businesses and everyone else online, and it is even revolutionizing how people make money online as well. You can target new friends, old friends, family members and even new customers on the top ten best social networking sites.


You can also develop relationships and introduce people to what you have to offer. If you have never looked into social networking then it is time that you did. If you do not know where to start when it comes to social networking, you can look no further. Here are the top ten best social networking sites and what they can offer you.


To be honest If I were you I would be very careful about giving out my address or any other personal information, while you want full transparency, there are too many nuts out here for you to be giving your home address out to complete strangers so be extremely careful and wary about that. This is just a personal pet peeve of mine, if you want to give out that kind of information, feel free to knock yourself out. Below are a few of my favorite Social Media sites. Some I've been on for years and others I'm investigating.


. Facebook: I rest my case.


. Twitter: Goes without saying.


. MySpace: I plan on revisiting MySpace to freshen up my profile, they aren't dead yet and still have some SEO value.


. YouTube: Self explanatory.


. LinkedIn: No games here, a profrssional site.


. Xanga: Xanga is a blogging community that allows you to share blogs, photos, videos and a lot more so that you can network with people that have similar interests from all over the world.


. Squidoo: Squidoo is becoming popular really fast, allowing people to create their own personal websites called lenses about any topic under the sun.


. MSN Groups: MSN Groups is a division of MSN that allows you to network with other people in a variety of different and unique ways to facilitate community and conversation.


. AOL hometown: AOL Hometown is similar to MSN groups, though produced by AOL instead. It is a community based division of AOL that allows you to facilitate communication with people from all over the world.


As you well know there are many other social networking sites out there. By understanding the terms of service for each of the above and other adult social networking sites you can become known around the globe. Not just from a social standpoint but also from an internet marketing and business standpoint.  Now it’s up to you to leverage your business and social life using the best social networking sites.