One In Five Prescriptions Is For A Use Not Approved By The FDA

Toxic effects from NSAIDs and Acetaminophen...

remain mainly a Silent Epidemic - - reports the New England Journal of Medicine

“One in five prescriptions in the U.S. is for a use not approved by the FDA.” (1)


“Although off-label prescribing — the prescription of a medication in a manner different from that approved by the FDA — is legal and common, it is often done in the absence of adequate supporting data.”



In the world of prescription medication a serious problem has reached extreme levels. Off-label use occurs when an individual is prescribed a medication for an ailment other then it has been approved for by the FDA. Different forms of off-label marketing are used within the pharmaceutical industry, medications are prescribe for specific ailments that are not approved by the FDA, prescriptions are given to patients with milder forms of an ailment that in its severe stages the drug is approved, and lastly higher dosing regimens are encouraged despite FDA regulations.

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