Think Like only You !

Posted by Stephen A. B.
1167 Pageviews
How can one person "think out of the box?"  This should be done independently, but how? 

Here's an example: Cut a cake into eight slices but you have to make no more than three cuts. 

Most people will have trouble coming up with a way to cut the cake.
 But to solve this, you have to change the way you look at the cake and how to cut it.

 One perfect solution is to cut the cake into two equal sizes and put the other half on top of the other. Cut it again in half then stack the other half pieces on top of one another and cut them again.

 There you go, that's thinking out of the box.

Another example of thinking out of a box is this:  Here are four words...  subtract, multiply, add, decrease...
 Now which one does not belong to the group?  Mostly people would right away say that the word "decrease" does not belong.

 Why?  Because all the other three words are mathematical jargons and the latter is not.

 Well, that's not thinking out of the box,if you think out of the box,
the answer would be the word "add" since it only has three letters while all the other have six and more.

 You could give a lot of right answers but the one that shows more creativity stands out. Read more here