Welcome to our new wholesale world
Jason Wang (Chinese name: Wang Taicai) and Simon Lin (Chinese name: Lin Xingqun) are the founders of WholesaleChinaStock.com. They have spent the last 10+ years becoming one of the largest dollar and discount store wholesalers in Asia. With all the years of experience working with Alibaba, and eBay Hong Kong in the exportation business, they have an expert grasp of the top selling products for discount in China and making it as a dollar store out of Asia. They warehouse over 3,000 different products in a state of the electronics warehouse and pride themselves on having one of the best fulfillment operations in the business. What that means for you is that you will benefit from one of the top order fill rate percentages, order ship time and accuracy rates. They understand that taking the order is not the only thing you must be good at, you must take the time to build a company that does everything right from top to bottom, allowing them to have loyal and happy customers that will order over and over.
Whether you are new to the world of wholesale or a veteran, they have a sales staff that will make your life much easier in selecting the right product for your business and driving your bottom line.
Contact Information:
Web Site: www.wholesalechinastock.com
RM. 4002, Xinrong Tower, Minzhi, Shenzhen, China.
Phone: (86)755-25537900 Email: support@wholesalechinastock.com, sales@wholesalechinastock.com