Affiliate Marketing

Posted by Manish Goyal
1998 Pageviews
Affiliate Marketing - The first thing that comes to any person who is not familiar with this term is "what is affiliate marketing?". Affiliate marketing is nothing but a type of marketing in which a "peer" business gets visitors, customers, etc. by the marketing practice or marketing efforts of an affiliated business or site. And in this type of marketing the peer business rewards one or more affiliated business. These reward may include cash or gift reward to the user, for the completion of an offer, and the referral of others to the site.

Internet Marketing usually include various advertising methods, organic SEO, Paid SEO, Pay-per click methods, e-mail marketing, etc. whereas Affiliate Marketing consists of promoting various services or products, publishing reviews of products and services provided by their partner.

Affiliate Marking is basically used to drive the traffic to another and this makes it different to other methods of internet marketing. Therefore, it plays a significant role in marketing efforts and strategies.