How to Build Your Twitter

Posted by Udo Hoffmann
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How to Build Your Twitter

Does twitter work for business?  Is anyone actually reading your tweets? I owe everyone an apology for the article I wrote back in February of this past year.  “To Twitter or Not to Twitter”

Not being one to jump on the bandwagon I resisted the move to twitter with such vehemence that I was actually very ani-twitter. To me, how could you possibly make money from a bunch of people posting about what they had for lunch or when they needed to use the potty.

Boy did I miss the boat on this one!  Well not totally as there is still a big difference between using a shotgun and a sniper rifle but you’ll have to read that article to see what I mean.  “To Twitter or Not to Twitter”

Also the explosion of technology that has happened in the past year has created methods not previously available, like surfing all the tweets for key words and then targeting those people etc.

So is anyone actually listening to what is being tweeted..YES! but not every ones tweets.  Unless your a super star or some famous personage most of your tweets will go unnoticed unless you do something about it.

STEP #1 as with any social media you must be REAL, a logo or icon just does not it for me and I believe that the same holds true for most folks.  Would you want to deal with a real person or a pic of Mickey Mouse?

Next provide info about yourself, if your a writer, say so!  A blank bio or no info is a definite sign of indifference and who wants to deal with some one who does not care? PS if you have a specialty say so, you never know who may be in need of that info.

On to tweeting, nobody cares when your off to the movies, unless they are stalking you. So stick to the good stuff. “Sale on today only!”… “Who knows how to change a printer ribbon?” etc re-tweet a good saying..IE get involved!

If your active in chatting, re-tweeting, answering questions you become the person to know and you will build a following who’s attention is all yours because they know your alive.  It doesn’t hurt to “know” people too so its always a good idea to follow others with clout in your arena.

Its all about communication, MySpace, FaceBook and now Twitter are about building social/business networks.  They are not just advertising platforms but they can let you communicate effectively for that purpose.

Speaking of communication…. I am still learning the “Twitter lingo”, if you think you don’t need to…. my advice “When in Rome…”

NOTE:- If you like my writing I post daily to my blog
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