The Archimedes Principle… 1+1=10
The Archimedes Principle... 1+1=10
Archimedes said, "If I had a lever I could move the world." proving that the concept of leverage is not new. A concept so simple to understand that there are college dropouts who are making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month on line using the power of leverage.
Today the playing field is level due to the internet, that site your looking at could be a single mom working from home or a million dollar corporation. Both are equally capable of putting their pages in front of you.
Better yet the power of leverage gives a single person the ability to multiply themselves exponentially. Creating a global phenomenon with the touch of a button.
Think of that single mom for a moment, she joins a forum or two uses a signature line with a link in it to a splash page for a program she is promoting. Over the course of a month several people check it out and 3 of them join her.
This mom also promotes via safe lists, solo ads and traffic exchanges during the month, of those who check out her ads 7 more join. All 10 of these people are taught how to do what she did and then set loose to practice their new found skills.
Now if all 11 of them take another month to do this again, there will be 111 people duplicating the system after 60 days, over 1,000 after 90 days, more than 10,000 after just 4 months and an amazing 100,000+ in under 6 months!
Now that's power! The best part of it is that it can be done with little or no money. No million dollar advertising budgets needed, no super slick ad agents, All you need is the Archimedes principle, a system that you can duplicate and is simple to use.
This is not rocket science, there are no degrees needed to understand its power. It is just a simple basic law of the universe applied in such a way as to benefit you beyond your wildest dreams.
Imagine this for a moment...
Its Monday morning, 7am and your alarm goes off, the good news is that because your self employed your office is just downstairs from your bedroom and the commute goes right past the coffee maker in the kitchen. Do you slap the alarm, roll over and go back to sleep? Or can you get out of bed use the Archimedes principle and build your future now?
P.S 1+1 does equal 10 do you know when? Post your answer in the comment section.
NOTE:- If you like my writing I post daily to my blog
All links to follow me on other networks are there as well,
Also complimentary copies of most of the books I write.
And links to Proven Paying Programs, Tools and Advertising sources
Archimedes said, "If I had a lever I could move the world." proving that the concept of leverage is not new. A concept so simple to understand that there are college dropouts who are making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month on line using the power of leverage.
Today the playing field is level due to the internet, that site your looking at could be a single mom working from home or a million dollar corporation. Both are equally capable of putting their pages in front of you.
Better yet the power of leverage gives a single person the ability to multiply themselves exponentially. Creating a global phenomenon with the touch of a button.
Think of that single mom for a moment, she joins a forum or two uses a signature line with a link in it to a splash page for a program she is promoting. Over the course of a month several people check it out and 3 of them join her.
This mom also promotes via safe lists, solo ads and traffic exchanges during the month, of those who check out her ads 7 more join. All 10 of these people are taught how to do what she did and then set loose to practice their new found skills.
Now if all 11 of them take another month to do this again, there will be 111 people duplicating the system after 60 days, over 1,000 after 90 days, more than 10,000 after just 4 months and an amazing 100,000+ in under 6 months!
Now that's power! The best part of it is that it can be done with little or no money. No million dollar advertising budgets needed, no super slick ad agents, All you need is the Archimedes principle, a system that you can duplicate and is simple to use.
This is not rocket science, there are no degrees needed to understand its power. It is just a simple basic law of the universe applied in such a way as to benefit you beyond your wildest dreams.
Imagine this for a moment...
Its Monday morning, 7am and your alarm goes off, the good news is that because your self employed your office is just downstairs from your bedroom and the commute goes right past the coffee maker in the kitchen. Do you slap the alarm, roll over and go back to sleep? Or can you get out of bed use the Archimedes principle and build your future now?
P.S 1+1 does equal 10 do you know when? Post your answer in the comment section.
NOTE:- If you like my writing I post daily to my blog
All links to follow me on other networks are there as well,
Also complimentary copies of most of the books I write.
And links to Proven Paying Programs, Tools and Advertising sources
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