Excitement is building fast here at Staged.com for many reasons!

Our in-house programming team has been working around the clock on an amazing new feature that we hope to unveil sometime within the next few weeks.

This new feature has been tested for months and the results are insane. On average, our test accounts have been seeing anywhere from 1-3 upgrading PAID members PER WEEK!

And no, we're not talking about a hot new source of leads or other common advertising methods. We're talking about taking the Staged product, Stages, to the next level in Internet Marketing.

Once you see this awesome new tool you will immediately know without a doubt that Staged.com is your answer to building a healthy, long term income on the web. And you will be so amazed at how simple it is. Want a hint?


Over the last two weeks our Marketing Department has been sending out emails to free members and prospects who are enrolled in the system, hinting at something BIG coming soon. During this time we have seen a massive surge in free members and pre-enrolled prospects upgrading their accounts to get in on the action.

Along with this surge in new members has come a surge in commissions being earned! Many Staged members who have been working the business are experiencing an explosion in their personal incomes.

Now that's really exciting!

The Staged Team continues to grow month after month as more and more people discover how easy it can be to make money online when you have the right tool... when you have Stages.

So spread the word.. When we launch this secret new feature Staged is going to erupt across the Internet so be sure to tell everyone you know to get in now, ahead of the rush that IS coming!



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