The Economy

Posted by Brenda W.
536 Pageviews
Do you really trust our government? With the way the stock market keeps crashing and the government printing money on a whim, can we really trust the government to be there for us?

How many of us have lost jobs? Lost our homes? Families being torn apart because of the lack of funds?

What can you (we) do to protect ourselves and the future of our families? I have chosen to invest in gold and silver. Every country accepts gold and silver as payment for most everything.

If we would invest in silver and gold to have on hand, we will be far better off once the economy really tanks.

There are several links to view and chose from, I'll share a few with you. 

1) American Gold Reserve:

Take your time and browse these 3 sites. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. (239) 368-2872