There have been accounts stating that body detoxification or cleansing has been around for quite some time. There was a time that it was considered to be on the same contributory level as conventional medicine. Lets flip thru the pages of its book and grab a bit of a bite of its concepts and development.

The roots of body detoxification can be associated with the idea of autointoxication which was established by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. It revolves around the belief that foods consumed according to the humoral theory of health can produce a putrefying and toxic effect on the body. The 19th century saw both biochemistry and microbiology embracing this way of thought. It was in the early portion of the 20th century that people started to question the credibility and reliability of the process.

Although cleansing practices stayed out of the vicinity of the conventional medical sites the circles of alternative medicine continued to patronize them. At present, this medium of healing that slumbered for quite some time has had some sort of rebirth as it is now part of the alternative medical approaches. It continues to create a new reputation away from its identity of unscientific and inappropriate.

The present day exploit of body detox revolve around modalities like physiologic treatments, dietary supplements, and dietary restrictions. It has been connected with herbs and remedies that act as catalyst and boosters in the effectiveness of the process. Naturopathic and homeopathic preparations are also made available particularly in products that are made for the care of specific organs. The colon is packed with fiber while the kidneys are pumped up by juices. 

Diet has been an important facet of the modern day detox system. It is founded on a plan that suggests putting in large amounts of water, vegetables, and fruits in a person's daily intake. Processed and genetically modified foods are out of the picture.

Body detoxification emphasizes on eliminating substances like caffeine and alcohol in the diet. Canned foods, salt, wheat, red meat, deep fried food, shortening, butter and margarine, and yellow cheese should be out of the diet roster. Instead the person should focus on adding legumes, raw nuts and seeds, vegetable oil, fish, herbs and herbal tea, and whole grain into the list of daily consumption. In general the detox diet is all about maintaining a healthy lifestyle en route to an optimum level of psychological and spiritual health.


Michael Camire
Ultimate Body Cleansing
Skype Me: pratbirdman
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