From PowerPoint to YouTube
I'm sure there are multiple ways to take a PowerPoint presentation and upload it to YouTube.
Here, I will describe how I proceed. Also, the resulting video has sound, and I will talk about that too.
Note: I use PowerPoint 2007. Any instructions I give might now apply to older or more recent versions if any. Also, my version is in French, so there will be some guesswork about the option names.
Saving your PPT presentation
When your presentation is completed, choose "save as" then "other format", then save as .jpg files. PPT will create a new directory and save each slide as a different .jpg file.
Using Windows Live Movie Maker
I have heard some people prefer to use the former Windows Movie Maker. I have the Windows Live version, and I checked a couple of videos on YouTube to learn to use it. It was frustrating at first, but once you know what you're doing, it goes smoothly.
First, you click on "add videos and photos." You then go to the directory where the .jpg files appear, the ones you just saved in PPT. You click ( simple click, not double click ) on the first image, then you press "shift" and click on the last image, then "open." The images will appear in in WLMM in the right order.
At this point, you could choose "save movie" then "recommended for this project" and save the file in .wmv format, then upload it in YouTube.
I will write a follow up article to describe how to add audio to your video.
Also, I created a video to show what I was talkking about in the article.
Here, I will describe how I proceed. Also, the resulting video has sound, and I will talk about that too.
Note: I use PowerPoint 2007. Any instructions I give might now apply to older or more recent versions if any. Also, my version is in French, so there will be some guesswork about the option names.
Saving your PPT presentation
When your presentation is completed, choose "save as" then "other format", then save as .jpg files. PPT will create a new directory and save each slide as a different .jpg file.
Using Windows Live Movie Maker
I have heard some people prefer to use the former Windows Movie Maker. I have the Windows Live version, and I checked a couple of videos on YouTube to learn to use it. It was frustrating at first, but once you know what you're doing, it goes smoothly.
First, you click on "add videos and photos." You then go to the directory where the .jpg files appear, the ones you just saved in PPT. You click ( simple click, not double click ) on the first image, then you press "shift" and click on the last image, then "open." The images will appear in in WLMM in the right order.
At this point, you could choose "save movie" then "recommended for this project" and save the file in .wmv format, then upload it in YouTube.
I will write a follow up article to describe how to add audio to your video.
Also, I created a video to show what I was talkking about in the article.
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