Know your target market
"Target market" or "target audience" is the portion of the market to which your product or service(s) is to be sold or marketed to. It is defined by age, gender and/or socio-economic grouping. Target marketing is a strategic approach to creating a marketing mix for a specific, targeted market segment and set of buyers (e.g. Software engineers > 28 years age, only for Indian people, etc.).
Make your study as complete as possible. Use the Internet to conduct research. This will help you to narrow down your target by interest, demographic, and common trends. You can use the following questions to aid you assess your market analysis :
- Who is your target audience?
- Where is your target audience located?
- Are you targeting business or consumer sectors?
Assuming you have done your homework and researched your target market, you first need to segment your target market so that you reach the most likely potential customers and do not overlap in your efforts.
Once you have narrowed down your audience, devise a means of
reaching them by presenting something of special interest to them.
Often, new businesses use the fact that they are brand new to lure
their target audience. People like being in on the ground floor of
something new, especially if you are catering to their specific tastes.
Try answering the following questions :
- What do they think about your current brand?
- What would you like them to think about your brand?
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