Fearless Marketing

Posted by Paul Hines
512 Pageviews

The problem I see is that everyone is Marketing using conventional wisdom to market and its just not working in this day and age, sorry to break the news to you but the Marketing world has changed dramatically and if you're not willing to change with it you'll eventually pack it in and quit reguardless of your most valiant efforts. The failure rate in this game is so high because people are internally programmed to jump at the easy buck and the only people who make money with the easy buck in this game are the ones who have huge lists of Sheeple who will follow them straight into hell if necessary.


I can't get angry at the Guru's after all, they have to eat too don't they? Why not feed off people who all they want to do or believe is that they can make a million in their robes? If they give you the whole puzzle they're just creating their own competition and do you really think they're going to take food off their table for you? they'll create videos with hired actors and hype you up and ride Clickbank to the bank and by the time you figure out that what they had to offer was pure re-hashed garbage it'll be too late because you're on their list. They know full well you'll quit in a month but you're on their list. Stop being the biggest lollipop in town and listen.


1. Find what you like to do, do your research and GO SLOW but go.


2. You don't have to pay for everything that looks good to you, see if they have an affiliate program in place and test, test, test.


3. Recruiting is getting you in but mentoring is keeping you in, will this recruiter be there when I need them or will they go on to the next Sheeple once I'm signed up?


4. Guard your debit or credit card with your life, if you want to experience hell on earth, give your banking information to the wrong people.


5. Go directly to PayPal and cancel any automatic payment you're not using. The same for your debit or credit card.


6. Get your Marketing budget down to bare bones, act like you're completely broke and have to watch every penny, if you don't this will come true.

People are making money online but don't believe the hype, you won't get rich overnight. This game purges itself daily from the wannabee's.


7. This will probably be the hardest thing you've ever done in your life and its not for the faint of heart but if you stick it out it can't be beat.


8. Why listen to me, who am I and what have I ever done? Who am I you ask? I'M YOU.


If you know anybody that drinks water, please feel free to send them to my site.

