How To Get Revenge On Spammers
This is a technique that's been around for years so the online vets know about it but the newbies dont. You can actually use your old Yahoo and Gmail email addresses as auto-responders.
I'm not going to go into a long drawn out explanation about this technique as to not confuse the newbies that will use it. Below are the short and sweet details. This will work on the emails that DON'T have the no follow email addresses attached to it so most of your emails should get through.
1. Find the vacation tab
2. Use vacation reply
3. Click vacation responder on
4. A box should pop up
5. In the title put something like, thanks for the email
6. In the body put some short text about your business or service with your link below that.
7. Click on the Unicode button
8. Click on the advanced button below that
9. Make sure your vacation tab is on
Its a done deal, your old email addresses have become your very own free autoresponder, check them periodically and you'll see the thanks for the email in the title of your mail, that's how you'll know it went through.