Seven wonders of the APSense World

Posted by Cheryl Baumgartner
1811 Pageviews

Great Pyramid of Giza

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Statue of Zeus at Olympia

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus

Colossus of Rhodes

Lighthouse of Alexandria


The Seven Wonders of the World, marvels of science and architecture that were acknowledged as the major achievements of the ancient world.  So what is up with the history lesson you ask?  It’s because APSense has our own version of the Seven Wonders.

These are members who have been with APSense since the beginning.  Now there are literally hundreds of members who signed up in the early days but they are nowhere to be found.  Even more impressive is the fact that these members not only signed up, they have been consistently active since day one.

These members have been here through thick and thin.  These members have seen the development of APSense from what is was then to what it is today.  They are the voice of experience.  They have seen and experienced things on this site that many of you can only imagine.  Think about it, what if the Great Pyramid could impart all the knowledge it has picked up over the years?  What if the colossus of Rhodes could tell you of the many changes it witnessed?  If the Statue of Zeus could tell you of all the failures it witnessed?

APSense members have that chance.  You have members who have witnessed right on this site with you.  You have member who have seen the scams come and go.  You have members who are experienced in how to use this site.  You have access to a valuable resource if you choose to take advantage of it.

Seven Wonders of APSense:

Joe Bothelo

Bill Brown

Selya Rollins

Cindy Bolley

Pete Balash

Chuck Bartok

Cheryl Baumgartner

Yes I know I did not mention Wincer Song.  Wincer is the founder, APSense is his baby,  it is a given that he would be here and active.  If you are new I suggest you contact these members and take advantage of their experience!