How To Get Celebrity Endorsements

Posted by Paul Hines
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By Peter Kafka


Facebook has a big ad business. But its display ads tend to get ignored by the

overwhelming majority of its users. says it can fix this, with a time-tested method: Celebrity endorsements.

The social media ad start-up has already been doing this for some time, via its

core product, which pays social network “influencers” to give products and brands a

thumbs-up. That message appears in the celebrities’ news stream, where their

followers are supposed to pay more attention than they would if they saw a

conventional ad.


Now is rolling out a second ad unit, specifically for Facebook–a display ad

featuring the celebrity’s endorsement. The start-up is packaging the two ads

together to advertisers as the “Facebook Bundle” and promises that it can deliver

eyeballs for less than $5 per 1,000 views.

It’s a pretty simple concept, as you can see from the materials the company has

been sending to advertisers.

Don’t know if they’ll work, but they can’t be worse than many of the display ads

Facebook sends my way right now. It routinely thinks, for instance, that I may be

interested in joining the CIA, after I spend 18 to 24 months getting my Criminal

Justice Degree. The social network is also insistent about getting me to whiten my



There’s always a risk that Facebook finds the new ads problematic for some reason

(see: Twitter), but CEO Arnie Gullov-Singh says he reached out to Facebook

last week and they sounded enthusiastic. I’m waiting for Facebook PR to confirm

that with me, but for now we’ll take Gullov-Singh at his word.


I do have one worry, though. I keep looking at this Sgt. Peppers collage that

put out to show off the “influencers” it has on its roster, and I don’t think I can

recognize more than half of them. But that may have more to do with my impending

old age than anything else. Right?