If Theres No Product Don't Fall For It

Posted by Paul Hines
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This is an all time newbie classic that the weasels get paid on like clockwork from the hard headed newbies out there who don't have a clue. If you're a beginner and have sensitive feelings I strongly suggest you click off this post immediately because this may hurt. In the world of Network Marketing and Home Business one of the facts of life we have to deal with is that there is another element in this game, they're called, Wolves, Weasels or whatever. If these people catch you sleeping like most newbies do on a constant basis, you'll become one of their victims. Below are a few tips you should ponder before you reach for your wallet.


1. Just like that commercial that says, show me the Carfax, you should ask whats the product.


2. The comp. plan sounds beautiful but what exactly will you be selling?


3. Remember, just because you're a newbie doesn't mean you have to be a dummy.


4. The Attorney General in your state is real interested in Home Businesses that have no real product.


5. Is it me or is that a Fish Hook hanging from your lip?


6. What's the rush, how long does it take to check this out?


7. Do you have a problem asking someone with more experience about this business?


8. Are they going on and on ad nauseum about their comp. plan leaving out what the product is?


9. Is this gifting?


10 Is gifting legal?


11. What is gifting?


12. Did I actually just willingly give these people my credit card info.?


13. Did I just willingly just give these people my Social Security Number?


14. Is it me or do you smell like fresh Fish? The catch of the day


These are just a few questions you should be asking yourself before you reach for your wallet, as a matter of fact reaching for your wallet or credit card should be the last thing you reach for, you should be reaching for the phone to ask someone more experienced some questions. If you don't know anyone to ask, just ask me because I'll be brutally honest. Stop by my blog at

