Water Pollution Facts

Posted by Carole Allen
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Water Pollution Facts – A Brief Overview of the Threatening Environmental Condition

One of the most serious threats that mankind is facing over the years is water pollution. It affects a great number of waterways over the globe c

Water Pollution Facts - Basic Information on the Water Contamination Dilemma

Mercury is identified to be an exceedingly toxic pollutant that puts plant and animal life in danger. It generally comes from coal-fired utilities and other industrial boilers. Additional water pollution facts on causes reveal that pesticides and fertilizers are other factors that result to contamination. Pesticides present in water bodies lead to fish kill due to lower pH and oxygen levels, while fertilizers alter the quality of water due to large amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and phosphates in it.Supplementary water pollution facts show the troubling concern regarding the potential long term effects of water contamination. Harmful substances that run off from industries, especially agricultural facilities, tend to accumulate in the tissues of plants and animals leading to the detrimental increase of further damages. If strict regulation on addressing sewage overflows, wildlife killing, oil spills, and other harmful involvements will not be given enough attention, water resources will remain at stake.

Water Pollution Causes - Noxious Wastes that Lead to Impurity

There are two basic types of water pollution causes: organic and inorganic. Organic contaminants include wastes and pathogens during food processing; unsafe chemicals such as insecticides and herbicides; logging operation debris; sewage and livestock operation bacteria; industrial solvents; and petroleum hydrocarbons. Inorganic pollutants, on the other hand comprise industrial heavy metals, chemical wastes, acidic discharges, surface runoff silts caused by logging or burning practices, and fertilizers from agricultural runoffs.Other known water pollution causes are the coal combustion and cattle or pig rearing. Coal combustion tends to result in the emission of mercury, which is extremely hazardous to infants and pregnant women, while rearing of animals lead to the accumulation of nutrient-filled wastes. Even human settlement alongside the riverbanks is identified to be another causative factor because of the wastes they discharge.

Sources of Water Pollution - Other Contaminating Agents

Companies that process harmful chemicals generally pollute the water, like the nuclear power plants that draw off radiated fluids into bodies of water. Sustained solid waste usage of paper and plastics are harmful too, since treatment facilities for waste water are not available to handle immense volume of the said products in the water systems. Even the cleaning products and household chemicals like detergents have got a lot of threats to contribute as well. Other sources of water pollution include the drainage systems along the highways and farms. The latter allows oil and other auto exhaust particles to be flushed into the water system, while the former affects the water resources due to the use of harmful compounds like pesticides and fertilizers.onsiderably harming the ecosystem. Damages may be directly caused by both organic and inorganic contaminants, daily products, and industrial operational materials.Multipure is known to reduce the widest range of contaminants.