Chit-Chat don't get you results

Posted by Nancy Radlinger
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Hey everyone - this is somewhat of a little rant as I can't believe how much I hear from people that they don't have time for this and don't have time for that but yet I see them in chat/group rooms just chit-chatting up a storm - now don't get me wrong - I can be somewhat of a chatter box also BUT>>>>>>>>>>

I don't come up with every excuse in the book as to why I am not getting referrals, not getting traffic to my sites and why my list is not growing.  This is the ONE thing that I just don't have tolerance with these people - then they want my help.

When a person ask me for help, I bend over backward for them and help all I can but when I don't see that person taking some ACTION on what we just went thru - well........... I'm going to think twice the next time they need help.

People ask me all the time how do I keep up with what all I do and that they see me all over and don't know how I do it - well it's simple - I have a schedule of daily, weekly, and even monthly things that I do - I have written many blog posts giving people suggestions on how to do this and believe me it will make your life easier and more organized.

Here is one of my blog post if you would like some of my tips - Effective Time Management - tips that I do and that work but only if you take action and instead of sitting in chat rooms chit-chatting for hours - take that time and get yourself a daily routine - get  in that habit and everyday it gets easier and faster to do - then you will find that you have time to occasionally chit-chat.

Again, I am all for building relationships and I know how easy it is to become a chatter box - been there did that - but that is NOT going to get you the results that you are looking for - that is like putting the cart before the horse - you need to get your work done, get the results that you are looking for and then become a chatter-box King or Queen.

One last  thought here - don't be the one complaining all the time if you don't get comments on your articles, blog posts, etc.  that is also a two way street - I personally feel that when you build a relationship with another - you will frequent their stuff without having to beg people to comment. 

That is why the RSS feed is there - subscribe to the blog and get notified when there is a new post - it's a benefit to you actually to be that first comment and that is why I like using Google Alerts so that others do see me there when they are commenting and yes people do notice that.

Ok I feel better and thanks for listening - some may not like to hear the truth but I for one believe in telling people the truth and not sugar coating things and telling them what they want to hear. 

Remember, chit-chatting will not get you the results that you are looking for - just think about the hour that you just was BS with someone - your could have commented on how many blogs and articles and created backlinks - OR you could have written an article just like I did now - this took 10 minutes - and that is what time management is all about.