The Law of Traffic

Posted by Vps Malhotra
994 Pageviews

Creation of a business blog necessarily implies writing about the business one is in and would like to promote

Promotion  of any endeavour inclusive of business is the most formidable and yet rewarding task

It grows slowly but surely and for this one has to follow the foot steps of those who have succeded  in achieving thier financial goals  which forms the part of the Niche of the  business one is in

Better to get one Mentor who guides you thorugh

Writing about business essentially implies deleanating the unique features of the business one is in

But the focus is on the "people" that is the customer  for whom the offer is meant

May it be services ,products,and or any other thing under the sun

All this promotion sums up to and boils down to generating TRAFFIC with big "T"

It is the traffic in all businesses or endeavours ,converting hungry customers to make a success of any business

Just like Demand  and Supply Law  in the Economy which governs all aspects of economy  of any Nation or individual  the Law of Traffic is the basic to all businesses

How to get traffic  means how to get converting customers means getting sales  means getting money

No sales no money

Whether the business be online or off line or for that matter any enterprise may be political or apolitical profit  motive or other wise one has to take the message to the people  for  whom all this hullalbulla is  made

So one must concentrate on  getting ways and means even inventinfg new methods with fresh ideas to attract TRAFFIC to their offers/proposals

How  it should be done  shall be a matter of next article

All the best