Uh-oh! It's Doomsday...again

Posted by Cheryl Baumgartner
1431 Pageviews
Yes once again we are being told the world is going to end.  Supposedly tomorrow is it.  It seems that we are going to experience a major global earthquake sometime before 6pm Eastern time.  At least according to Harold Camping, head of Family Radio Christian Network.

Okay I consider myself a believer.  Is it just me or does it seem like Christianity has an "end of the World" fetish or what? Why does it seem a lot of Christians instead of informing people of the message of love and tolerance Christ brought to us to gain followers, feel the need to us fear mongering in an attempt to frighten people into joining their congregations?  No wonder we are getting hit with the message that there is a terrorist hiding under every rock, every time you turn around another 'Christian' sect has forgotten all about the "Christ" part of their message and told us that God is going to destroy us all.

Oh well while these particular Christians cower in fear of the coming Earthquake, I'll crank up the volume and caterwaul along to a little R.E.M :

"It's the end of the world as we know it,
It's the end of the world as we know it
And I feel fine!"