Are You Not Beautiful?

Posted by Mohann Krish
1795 Pageviews
Are you not beautiful? Are you not good-looking? Are you not confident of yourself? Are you afraid of presenting yourself in front of others? Do you move around with a mask on your face?

Sorry! It's not about you. I am not referring to you. I am asking this question to people who hide their identities at APSense!

I have come across several members' profiles here at APSense who use images of celebrities - most of whom are quite well-known. Why should anybody use somebody's photo or image? Unless, that person feels he is not good-looking or beautiful. This is my conclusion. We must realize that it is what we do that matters and not how we look. Each person is born with this and that, so be it. A person's qualities matter - you are judged by your character in the long run. The image you build up shapes your personality.

Moreover, the APSense guidelines are clear about this issue:

"Use a good photo of yourself-Don't use photos of celebrities or cartoons. We may like watching Micky Mouse on TV but we don't want to do business with him." Read the complete guidelines.

The purpose of this post is to remind violating members that with a wrong approach they are missing the main theme of APSense which is to help in BRANDING YOURSELF.

You can create a Personal Brand only if you are trusted by others.