What is an Opp. Hopper?

Posted by Lonnie Niver
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Do you know what a Opp. Hopper is? 

An Opp. Hopper is a person that hops from one opportunity to another. Opp. Hoppers are looking for the golden ticket and never stay in one opportunity long enough to see success to the end. 

Yesterday I commented on a facebook post about working more than one opportunity and I commented on it. Then today I read a response to the entire post that made me look at what i was doing. The response read, "Looking at this from a different perspective...Would you rather sign-up under a leader 100% committed to a company, or one who was involved in several?"
I never thought about it this way

I was looking at my profile today and was reading some comments on my posts and a friend woke me up to the realization that I myself am an Opp. Hopper. I am sorry friends but it is true I have been working my butt off in two different opportunities this passed month and feel ashamed. 

It seems to me that I have been preaching to others to build their credibility rankings and I myself have not been listing to my own advice. Hopping from opportunity to opportunity is not good for anyones credibility I for one should know this. I feel I have let my friends down especially for those who have invested in me to help build their TEAM. 

I am not going to list the opportunities I am involved with or the people that shed some light on my own wrong doing. But I will say this, I am going to fix this issue by sticking with one opportunity and seeing it through. This honesty may hurt my credibility ranking but I am an honest person even in the articles I write. I am giving my word that I will fix this so that everyone comes out on top and no one will feel they have been betrayed. Mistakes are meant to be made so we can learn from them and move on.  If no one made mistakes no one would learn a thing. I hope you will learn from my mistake and not become an OPP. Hopper. Find one you believe in, trust in and run with it. Give it at least 2 years because daddy always told me that it take 2 years to find out if a business is going to work or fail. 

With that being said I hope that everyone whom I have let down will forgive me and understand that I am only human. I am here to help if you can find it in your heart to forgive. 

Written by Lonnie Niver