This article is not from me. David had told me this story in a PM, and I asked him to write it in an article. He chose to send it to me in an email, so that I would proofread it, allowing him to let his thoughts flow naturally. Any mistakes that you see are my sole responsibility.



When I was a kid, My father was in the R.A.F. Regiment, a soldier in the R.A.F. Previously, we lived in Cologne. I was busy learning english and getting rid of my German accent. We were living in Uxbridge, where the Queens Colour Squadron were based. The guys do drills with no commands and they fire there guns at the same time.

   My father wasn't there. He had been in Borneo fighting the Indonesian Army, but they wanted him to stay and do another tour. My mother wasn't happy untill he said we could join him,and he would mainly look for communists from Vietna and the R.A.F. would assist them in rearming, and refueling, and maintenance of their planes. He also had the job of training American officers and Nco at the Raf Jungle Training school.
   So any way back to us. My father flew over. It used to take 3 days and 3 nights. I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters. So my father hared the picture house and they showed The Wizard of Oz. When it changed from black and white to technicolor, it was brilliant as we were in the middle of a cold grey winter.
  In two weeks time, we went up on the stage and said cheerio to everyone again. We went to the plane it was brittanicca airway. Oh no! It had 4 proppellers.Off we took, we landed in many places mostly at night due to lack the trouble.
  THEN WE ARRIVED AT SINGAPORE. It was Oz. We had gone to the land of Oz. All the little munchkins were there. I was 6 years old and had not seen a chinese man or woman before so they were totally different. And the tamils, they were the guards who had turrned against the wicked witch. I couldn't believe it! I had gone to the land of Oz.When I told my mother, she told me it wasn't Oz and I would find out through time. But for now it was the land of Oz.

   It is amazing what we come up with as children.Our brains weren't fully active at the time. I preferred to see it as a fun place, not a build up of troops going out to find the enemy. Even when my father was away for 3 months at a time, I didn't think of him killing or that he could be killed. In a way I am glad I was discovering life as a child.

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