Corruption -----Death Certificate -----A Story----BHUPINDER UDHAS

Posted by Prashob asdasd
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Corruption -----Death Certificate -----A Story----BHUPINDER UDHAS


B M Singh is a clerk  in Dept of Industry and lives in two room set of  J k insurance company.He rushes from one bank to another for getting money of his late mother Rajinder Kaur released  who died in march 21 ,2011, He looks very quiet and forlorn ,his daughter 21 year old is studying in final year of paramedical nursing college Morinda-- in Punjab. Her fees for next semester as due on april 21 2011.the bank is not releasing the amount deposited by his late mother as it is said Death certificate AND SUCCESSION CERTIFICATE IS NOT IN ORDER.


Coming to death certificate of his mother B M Singh had a nightmarish experience .His mother died a natural death at age of 89 after a long illness.When he went for cremation then traditional crematorium was booked .Since all his relatives had come ,he choose electric crematarium for funeral.


Next day he hired a taxi to carry mortal remains of his mother and immerse them in a river as per religious ceremonies.

The indifferent and callous workers charge Rs 400 for collecting the remains and putting them in a clean white cover and a vessel.At religious place ,he had to dole out another Rs 3oo in form of three prayers etc


When he came back he was advised to collect death certificate from an office and now the real game started . An  agent told him that if he paid rs 600 the agent would get all formalities done..          B M Singh did not want to spend so much money,so he filled the form in a set procedure and submitted it. He visited the office thrice in one month but was turned back on one pretext or other. Finally he talked to his peon Jai Ram about the problem.


Jai Ram knew about the way of the world ..He advised B M Singh to grease the palm of the concerned official. B M Singh visited the office and a Woman Agent moving near office told him to pay Rs 600 and she would tackle all channels to get him the certificate.


B M Singh took one Rs 500 note bearing picture of Mahatma Gandhi  and one Rs 100 note and handed it over to the agent. B M Singh got three copies of Death Certificate  delivered at  his home.


 B M Singh heaved a cold sigh and said –Alas my dear mother were alive-------///???????


Now his next destination is bank to get the deposits released from account of his mother –but now he carries rs 500 notes and first move around the bank looking for the agent –the agents who trade in death of near and dear ones ???

Disclaimer—the story is imaginary and all characters and places are fictitous.any resemblance to any person living or dead is just coincidence
