If there is one thing I can encourage and stress the most here on this site, it would be the value of making friends, joining groups, listening, learning and following the advice of people who know what the heck they are trying to teach. 

I've been a member for quite a few years here.  Like most folks, I've joined programs that have been a flash in the pan, and have some that have been somewhat enjoyable and profitable.  It's a crap-shoot finding something that's the "one thing" you can trust and will be something you can stick with.   I'm not a networking guru or someone who's trying to teach you how to market or network online.  I am someone who will help you with APSense.  I will follow your blog posts (I actually even read them) and I'll comment if I have something to say.  I'll friend you on facebook and "like" your page and I don't even require that you return the favor, but of course, it would be nice.

The "one thing" I want to make the biggest point of here with is that you make contacts with people who will help and support you to the fullest of their ability.  Take time to read and learn about the many wonderful applications available at APSense.   Ask questions, use the new Wiki, research the groups and join the ones that will teach you how to use APSense for it's incredible power.  Make contacts with the people you see posting the most and who are available here on a regular basis.  Don't be shy but don't be obnoxious either--we are all real folks with real lives of our own and sometimes we can't always "be there" for everyone.  Most of us will be delighted to do whatever we can to help anyone here.....it's what APSense is all about.

Make friends--it really does work, trust me, I know.   

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