Interesting Internet Ideas

Posted by Lee L.
468 Pageviews
I love the internet as much, or maybe even more than everyone does--hey, I've been online since 1992!  My late husband was in the Army Signal Corps--need I say more.  When Jerry was stationed in Saudi Arabia for a year in 1992, I had one friend loan me a computer, and another who was in the Signal Corps set me up so I could "chat" online in real time with Jerry.  It was an awesome set-up for me.  I didn't have an "internet provider" because they didn't exist back then...I did however have that friend who was in the Corps!  He came over and pirated an account from the top ranking officer on the post where I was and like magic--I was online!  This was one of the MOST Interesting Internet Ideas I've ever used to improve my life using the power of the internet, and the one that will stay with me forever.  

These days the power of the internet is evident in just about everyone's life, even your cell phone can provide your access to the world.  My feelings about what's happening at this point   in time with it will be a future post.  In the mean time, improve your life using the power of the internet and enjoy every minute of it!